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Perform the taxing check (general – sale – stamp – income – salaries) on behalf of the company

This department is concerned with the following

01. Perform the taxing check (general – sale – stamp – income – salaries) on behalf of the company.

02. Prepare all tax correspondences and answer by challenges and objections for all forms.

03. Appear before the concerned tax authorities, internal committees, challenge committees, settlement committees, dispute settlement, experts of the Ministry of Justice, and anti – tax evasion committees in order to achieve the best results in terms of the debts and tax liabilities.

04. Prepare, review and submit the annual tax report to the concerned authority.

05. Settle the tax issues (general – sales) and decrease the tax claims.

06. Submit the monthly sale tax acknowledgments.

07. Prepare the tax memorandums and submit the same to the concerned authorities.

This shall be through
Tax Case Diagnosis Stage

01. Determine the position of each company in terms of submitting the tax acknowledgments on the income of juristic persons in highlight of the Egyptian laws’ provisions.

02. Define the tax assessment due from a company including the value of the expected tax liabilities and the relative delay penalties, if any.

03. Study the method of calculating the salary tax discounted monthly from the salaries of the company’s employees according to the provisions of Tax Law and determine the position of tax check and the extent of annual tax settlements.

04. Study the extent of a company’s compliance with the provisions of the stamp law No. 111 for the year 1980, as amended by virtue of law No. 143 for the year 2006, and determine the position of tax check and the value of liabilities and relative penalties, if any.

05. Define the dispute aspects between the company and the tax authority in all types of taxes to which the company is subject in addition to the tax imposed on the income of juristic persons/income taxes and the like … etc.

Tax Planning Stage

01. Determine the weaknesses of the tax system applicable in each company and propose a number of solutions required for avoiding the impacts and liabilities resulting from such weaknesses in the future.

02. Determine a number of tax services which every company may need in highlight of the checking position and the assessment previously performed for each type of taxes in the previous stage.

03. Study the interrelationships between the group companies in terms of the ownership structure or ordinary transactions to prepare a general plan for how a group of companies shall benefit and achieve additional tax savings according to the provisions of the relative tax laws.

04. Study the availability of assets which are jointly benefitted from by the group’s companies and define the best way to codify such benefit in a manner showing the actual costs and burdens of a company from the tax point of view.

05. Determine the position of the amounts received by the senior management directors in each company of the group (members of the board of directors) and define the best way to process the same from the tax point of view in a manner achieving tax savings and help decrease the burdens of such directors, if possible.