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Financial Consultant

Perform the financial analysis of companies’ shares and financial study and for the sectors operating in the field of the exchange of exchange market.

This department is concerned with the following

01. Assisting in the finance of projects and credit facilities.

02. Perform the financial analysis of companies’ shares and financial study and for the sectors operating in the field of the exchange of exchange market.

03. Financial analysis of a company’s (client) financial position and providing all consultations to the financial management.

04. Assist the management of financial crises and set programs and plans for managing such issues and crises.

05. Prepare the expected cash flow charts of a project and prepare the anticipated budgets.

06. Set the plans sufficient to manage issues and financial crises.

07. Study the economical and financial structures and restructuring.

08. Schedule the bank liabilities and exclude the additional illegal burdens.

09. Negotiate with the creditor banks to ensure the client’s benefits and achieve the best results through decreasing the interests, scheduling the liability and the possible in – kind payment.